3-View to 3D and Parts
What Is This
This is my personal favorite and the way I've built most of the models. Three view drawings, like
the one below, are very common and they make great references for making a 3D CAD model. We can use the 3-view
drawing as a reference in our CAD systems to generate 3D CAD surface models. You can think of these surface models
as the outer skin of the subject we're modeling. Once we have that skin, we can easily create the internal
structure needed to build the model from regularly available materials (wood, foam etc) using regular building
methods (bulkheads, keels, stringers etc).
Perhaps you have a model that you can't find anywhere else and you just simply love the way it
looks. If you have a three view, we can create the 3D CAD model for you and deliver you an electronic file of
components that you, or we, can send to a laser or CNC cutting service. You'll end up with a kit of parts that will
slot toegther very quickly and create a structure ready for sheeting and detailing. You'll be finished before you
know it.
This is a great service for flexing your creative side. You'll be the envy of your peers at your
flying field - unique and scarecly built models always pull a crowd. Remember also, you can have it as small or as
large as you want. The final size of the model is your decission!
3D Renders of a silaplane and a power plane
We have one final point regarding your three-view. Many three view pictures include
fuselage/boom/nacel cross section shapes that really assist us in developing the correct cross sectional shape of
the 3D CAD model. These are the fastest way of getting a model created and components available for Laser, CNC or
hand cutting. Three-view drawings that DON'T have fuselage/boom/nacel cross sectional shapes on them take further
research on our part to create the 3D CAD model. We'll use search engines and other resources we have at hand to
determine the correct shapes needed for the model. If you have a three view without the vital cross sectional
shapes, we will charge you a small research fee UNLESS you do the research yourself and provide us these references
ahead of time. This is certainly the best way to go and with a little searching on the www, you should be able to
find the data we need to create your model. Once you have this data, copy the picture to your hard drive or scan
the picture from paper and add it as an upload with your three view.
Picture of three-view with and one without cross sectional shapes
So How Do I Get
As with many of our other services, the type of model you want to model and build will define the
cost of the 3-View to 3D and Parts Service we offer. A simple single engine, single fuselage model will obviously
be less expensive than a complex, multi-fuselage, multi-engined one. We have cretated a chart below that will allow
you to select the type of model you want us to create for you.
Select the description that best fits the model type you're building. You'll be directed to a Papal
payment screen and after completion of that transaction, you'll be directed to an upload page. Upload your 3-View
and any other information you have collected and we'll take it from there.
Model Type
Single fuse with nose mounted propeller engine, single forward wing, single rudder/stabilizer,
fixed undercarraige
Single fuse with nose mounted propeller engine, single forward wing, single rudder/stabilizer,
Retracting undercarraige
Dual wing mounted propeller engines in nacels, single fuselage, single forward wing, single
rudder/stabilizer, fixed undercarrage
Dual wing mounted propeller engines in nacels, single fuselage, single forward wing, single
rudder/stabilizer, Retracting undercarrage
Dual fuse mounted propeller engines in fuse (Push/Pull), single forward wing, single
rudder/stabilizer, fixed undercarrage
Dual fuse mounted propeller engines in fuse (Push/Pull), single forward wing, single
rudder/stabilizer, retracting undercarrage
Three propeller engines (two on wings, one in fuse), single forward wing, single rudder/stabilizer,
fixed undercarrage
Three propeller engines (two on wings, one in fuse), single forward wing, single rudder/stabilizer.
Retracting undercarrage
Continue list and complete it.